Las Casas

Homes are sacred and essential to the well-being of families.

We partner with families to provide home construction or home repair. We’ve partnered with 15 families in the San Nicolás village to add concrete floors to houses that reduce long exposures to dust and dirt that bring respiratory infections; thus, improving the health conditions of children and adults.

La Casa Azul

July 2017

Through the generosity of our OneLife Partners and community/church involvement, we were able to build the first Casa for this family of six. Prior to their Casa Azul, this family was living in extreme, uninhabitable conditions.



This beautiful family’s sacred casa was made of mud, sticks, and grass. When the rainy season would come, their casa would dissolve into the mud, causing a multitude of health problems.


Friends, family, and OneLife joined together to bless their neighbor and a beautiful casa was built with block and concrete, able to strongly withstand the natural elements.


Concrete Floors

July 2017